1/17 - Weight Without Motion (1) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 117.8 x 79.3 cm
2/17 - Weight Without Motion (2) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 117.8 x 79.3 cm
3/17 - Weight Without Motion (3) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 117.8 x 79.3 cm
4/17 - Wonderer | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, bronze, 136.3 x 145.3 x 11.5 cm approx.
5/17 - wonderer | detail
6/17 - A spell for every circumstance | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 35.5 x 30.7 cm each one, Variable dimensions
7/17 - Weight Without Motion (5) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 117.8 x 79.3 cm
8/17 - Weight Without Motion (4) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 117.8 x 79.3 cm
9/17 - Divided Substance (1) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, stone, cast steel, 75.5 x 64.1 cm
10/17 - Divided Substance (1) | Angled view
11/17 - Divided Substance (3) | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, stone, cast steel, 75.5 x 64.1 cm
12/17 - oracles | 2018, Installation of Stones and cast stones (approx. 600), Variable dimensions, Ed. of 2 and 1 AP
13/17 - oracles | detail
14/17 - untitled | 2018, cast bronze, element 1: 2.4 x 11.1 x 4.5 cm, element 2: 2.4 x 9.8 x 3.5 cm, variable dimensions
15/17 - Finding | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 35.5 x 30.7 cm
16/17 - Binding | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 35.5 x 30.7 cm
17/17 - Unsealing, Revealing, | 2018, Wool, silk, pigment, 35.5 x 30.7 cm